Business Writing That Works
Course Overview
We all know what good writing is. It’s the novel we can’t put down, the poem we never forgot, and the speech that changes the way we look at the world. Good writing is the memo that gets action and the letter that says what a phone call can’t.
In business writing, the language is concrete, the point of view is clear, and the points are well expressed. Good writing is hard work, and even the best writers get discouraged. However, with practice you can feel more confident about your own writing. This course will give you the tools to become a better writer.
Learning Objectives
- Learn the value of good written communication
- Learn how to write and proofread your work so it is clear, concise, complete, and correct
- Apply these skills in real world situations
- Understand the proper format for memos, letters, and e-mails
Course Outline
1. Course Overview
2. Why Write?
3. Be Clear
- Writing Clearly
- Making Connections
4. Be Concise
- Writing Concisely
- Rewriting Exercises
5. Be Complete
- Making Your Writing Complete
- Making Connections
6. Be Correct
7. Word Agreement
- Making Words Agree
- Rewriting Exercises
8. Active and Passive Voice
9. Sentences and Sentence Types
- Sentences and Paragraphs
- Making Connections
10. Readability Index
- About the Index
- Using the Index
11. Manners and Courtesy
- Courtesy
- What’s My Style?
12. Practical Language
13. Inclusive Language
14. Sentence Construction
15. Punctuation
- The Comma
- The Semi-Colon
- The Colon
- The Apostrophe
16. Writing Business Letters
- Steps to Writing Business Letters
- Parts of a Business Letter
- Types of Letters
- Dissecting Letters
17. Writing Effective E-mails
- E-mail Basics
- Managing E-Mail
- E-mail at Work
18. Spelling and Proofreading
- Spelling Tips
- Proofreading Tips
19. Writing Memos
- The Anatomy of a Memo
- Acme Funfest
20. Reviewing Your Writing
21. Writing Challenges
22. Personal Action Plan
23. Recommended Reading List
24. Post-Course Assessment